Email Subscriptions

Send Gift Subscriptions

You must be a subscriber to send gift subscriptions. Please make sure that you use the exact address to which your Renewal Fellowship e-mailings are currently delivered.

Your name is required because, out of courtesy, a brief note explaining that you have sent a gift subscription to the the Renewal Fellowship e-mailings will be sent to each friend.

To enter your friends' gift subscriptions, fill in the boxes below and double-check the spelling. You can send from 1 to 5 addresses at once. They will receive a copy of the Prayer Calendar Daily Edition and the most recent Renewal Fellowship e-mailing.

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
1. Friend's Name:
1. Friend's Email Address:
2. Friend's Name:
2. Friend's Email Address:
3. Friend's Name:
3. Friend's Email Address:
4. Friend's Name:
4. Friend's Email Address:
5. Friend's Name:
5. Friend's Email Address:
Add a personal message: (optional)
  ... and thanks for participating
in the Renewal Fellowship.

Robin Ross, Webmaster.

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